About the Books
Blessings Beyond the Page
Come with the author of Blessings Beyond the Page for a close-up look at Psalm 119 and discover many facets of God’s beauty and wisdom in this precious passage of Scripture. Learn practical ways to have His word implanted deeply in your heart. Expect life-giving blessings from His word as you walk in love and faith each day with Jesus, the Living Word, who is the greatest blessing beyond the page. As we turn the pages of Scripture, studying, meditating, and rejoicing over God’s word, we cultivate a daily rhythm that helps us know and love Him and His word more deeply.
May your life be the story of His words, His love, and His grace.
—Chantal Johnson
Gifts Beyond the Page
Come with the author of Gifts Beyond the Page for a fresh look at the timeless Christmas story and discover that the most precious gifts are not under the tree but are found in the pages of Scripture. From the gifts of peace and joy to sacrifice and deliverance, see the generous nature of God and His limitless grace. See the beauty and wonder of the baby born in the manger. See the promise and praise that filled the skies and the stable. And then see how all these gifts are here for us today. Learn practical and purpose-filled ways to use these gifts in every season. As gifts usher us into His presence, let us with humble and grateful hearts, repeat the sounding joy every day because Jesus is the greatest gift beyond the Page.
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About The Author
Chantal Johnson
Chantal Henry Johnson loves Jesus, her husband (Scott) of 37 years, her children, her grandchildren and, of course, Texas. She is an artist and author whose multimedia creations have been featured in magazines, but what she loves most about her art is that it brings people to Jesus. As a Bible study leader and writer, she weaves her love of art, the written word, and God’s word together to create beautiful reminders of His love for us. Blessings Beyond the Page is her first Women’s Bible study publication.